The advantages of a joint replacement in Lake Como
Being in one of the best private hospitals in Europe, under a world known internationally trained (including UK) surgeon, enjoying local food and breathtaking views between the mountains and the beautiful lake, while recovering from your surgery. And last but not least at the same cost or even less than having the same surgery in your country.
From 14.000 € you can have your surgery, hospital stay and transfer.
Lecco is the second largest city on Lake Como. It is right on the water of this world famous lake chosen by celebrities such as George Clooney as their home for its beauty and suggestive views.
Dr Pili, orthopaedic surgeon internationally trained (including UK) and world known for his work in limb and joint reconstruction, will be personally operating on you and looking after you during your recovery.
ILLRS International Congress in Brasil – Royal College of Surgeons of England – The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Stanmore North London – the EFORT meeting 2011
For our knee and hip replacements we use the most advanced techniques and the best materials. All our prosthesis are considered among the best in the National Joint Register in the UK
Knee Replacement
Hip Replacement
The GVM Mangioni Hospital is one minute walk from the city center and on the shores of one of the most beautiful lakes in Italy. Even Jorge Clooney decided to make home along rivers of this beautiful location.
Discover the beauty of the natural attractions around Lecco
For info ring:
+44 2035294777
Or email:
The advantages of a joint replacement in Lake Como
Being in one of the best private hospitals in Europe, under a world known internationally trained (including UK) surgeon, enjoying local food and breathtaking views between the mountains and the beautiful lake, while recovering from your surgery. And last but not least at the same cost or even less than having the same surgery in your country.
From 14.000 € you can have your surgery, hospital stay and transfer.
Lecco is the second largest city on Lake Como. It is right on the water of this world famous lake chosen by celebrities such as George Clooney as their home for its beauty and suggestive views.
Dr Pili, orthopaedic surgeon internationally trained (including UK) and world known for his work in limb and joint reconstruction, will be personally operating on you and looking after you during your recovery.
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ILLRS International Congresso in Brasil – Royal College of Surgeons of England – The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Stanmore North London – the EFORT meeting 2011
For our knee and hip replacements we use the most advanced techniques and the best materials. All our prosthesis are considered among the best in the National Joint Register in the UK
Knee Replacemen
Hip Replacement
The GVM Mangioni Hospital is one minute walk from the city center and on the shores of one of the most beautiful lakes in Italy. Even Jorge Clooney decided to make home along rivers of this beautiful location.
Discover the the beauty of the natural attractions around Lecco
For info ring:
+44 2035294777
Or email:
Преимущества совместной замены на озере Комо
Находясь в одной из лучших частных больниц в Европе, под руководством всемирно известного хирурга (включая Великобританию), наслаждаясь местной едой и захватывающими дух видами между горами и красивым озером, восстанавливаясь после операции. И последнее, но не менее важное по той же цене или даже дешевле, чем та же операция в вашей стране.
От 14.000 € вы можете провести операцию, пребывание в больнице и трансфер.
Лекко – второй по величине город на озере Комо. Это прямо на воде этого всемирно известного озера, выбранного знаменитостями, такими как Джордж Клуни, как их дом для его красоты и наводящих взглядов.
Доктор Пили, хирург-ортопед, прошедший международную подготовку (в том числе в Великобритании) и известный во всем мире своими работами по реконструкции конечностей и суставов, будет лично оперировать вас и ухаживать за вами во время выздоровления.
ILLRS International Congress in Brasil – Royal College of Surgeons of England – The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Stanmore North London – the EFORT meeting 2011
Для замены колена и бедра мы используем самые передовые техники и лучшие материалы. Все наши протезы считаются одними из лучших в Национальном объединенном реестре Великобритании
Больница GVM Mangioni находится в одной минуте ходьбы от центра города и на берегу одного из самых красивых озер в Италии. Даже Хорхе Клуни решил поселиться вдоль рек этого прекрасного места.
Откройте для себя красоту природных достопримечательностей вокруг Лекко
Для информации звоните:
+44 2035294777
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